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How to Set Up Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a free tag management system that allows you to quickly and easily deploy tracking tags on your website or mobile app. If you want to integrate tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, or custom scripts into your site, GTM streamlines the process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up Google Tag Manager:

Sign Up for a GTM Account

First, go to and click on Sign Up. Follow the prompts to create your free GTM account. You can manage multiple sites under one account.

Create a Container

A container is where you configure and publish all your tags. Click on Create Container to make one for your site or app. Give it a name and select the platform type – web, Android, iOS etc.

Get the GTM Snippet

Once your container is ready, you’ll get a piece of code to paste on your site. For websites, place this snippet immediately after the opening <head> tag on every page. This allows GTM to load and fire tags.

Set Up Triggers and Variables

Triggers cause tags to fire under certain conditions. Variables allow you to pass dynamic data into tags. GTM has a user-friendly workflow for setting up triggers and variables as needed.

Create and Configure Tags

The tags menu is where you actually create and set up tags from various tools to achieve your marketing goals. Configure each tag’s firing rules and settings here.

Publish and Test

Finally, submit your changes in the container and publish it. Test that the tracking is working as expected on your live site before fully launching.

With Google Tag Manager properly set up, you can deploy tags and track site analytics much faster. It makes your marketing technology stack more maintainable and expands what you can track on your website or mobile app.

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